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Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Dozen Moon Unfacts

A Dozen Moon Unfacts

-During daylight hours, The Moon is usually off running errands for other planets or watching soap operas

-Neil Armstrong’s real motive for rocketing to The Moon was to prove his theory that it was flat

-In contrast to the Sundress, women use to sleep in a Moongown until the pajama was invented

-The Moon was a free agent satellite until it was selected in the 2nd round by Earth in the 1972 Planetary Draft

-Gravitational forces from The Moon are the reason for ocean high tides… haha, just kidding, that’d be ridiculous

-Las Vegas odds favor a cow jumping the moon 3-1 over the dish running away with the spoon. Many believe the fork and the silverware mafia intimidating the spoon is why

-It’s a myth that The Moon is made of cheese but it does go just as well with wine

-During 5-7pm orbital rush hour, The Moon’s velocity slows due to asteroid congestion

-The Moon was originally referred to as The Object until MoonPie purchased its naming rights

-Babe Ruth once hit a baseball that ricocheted off the moon, it was ruled a double

-It’s possible to leap over The Moon but the length of the running start needed to generate that height is tremendously far, just ask the cow

-Since a body weighs less on The Moon that Earth, the population there drinks sodas larger than 16oz’s and wears skinny jeans