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Friday, November 5, 2010

Top dozen "So I Saids"

One of my favorite lines is "so I said let's get out of these wet clothes and slip into a dry martini" I really wish I could claim that I was the one who invented it. In lieu of that, I decided to just create my own following the template of starting a sentence in mid conversation and finishing it. Hopefully one day in the future I will be at the supermarket or park and overhear someone using one of the below.

I- so I said, I had no idea that English was your second language, I just assumed you were retarded

II- so I said, I'll give you 5 bucks if you walk into that guys camouflage backpack and say "sorry man, I didn't see that there"

III- so I said, no thank you Ma'am, a bag is unnecessary. I am just going to drink the beer here in the store

IV- so I said, alright Sir it would be criminal for me to give anyone fashion advice, but if you need to tug your pants up every sidewalk panel, perhaps you should reconsider

V- so I said, I am sorry officer I don't understand the meaning of this ticket. I'm parked fine, it's clearly obvious that the lines were painted crooked

VI- so I said, yeah I know I have never played Parcheesi before but you can't stop me from saying I am undefeated

VII- so I said, I wouldn't say I am having a "bad hair day" it's more of a case of my hair having a "nice personality" today

VIII- so I said, I am very impressed by your proposal and is exactly what I was looking for but the other candidate made a pie graph, so I am going with him

IX- so I said, cheat is such an ugly word, let's just say I was reminding myself how great of a girlfriend you are

X- so I said, if I would have called to warn you I was running late, I would have then relaxed and arrived even later. I respect you too much for that

XI- so I said, turn onto the highway, drive for about 2 songs and then the exit should be on your left

XII- so I said, sure you can count your chickens before they hatch, just don't do it accurately, make it's more of an estimate

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